First things first. Happy New Year! Well, am I too late to the party? Okay, there's 300-something days before Christmas, so then. This blog's been in deep slumber for quite some time. Yeah, laundry, chores and all. The usual.
Now where were we?
Oh, there. As I was checking Yahoo Groups (yeah right, they still exist and mind you, this website is secretly under geocities; oh btw, please don't forget to give us a "testi" on friendster, okay?).
Now, I chanced upon this very intriguing revelation about the recent Gilas 24-man Pool!
It's not exactly about the names of who's making the pool, just yet. Now here's what we have uncovered about the Gilas 24-man "reveal". Tadaaan!:
2017 is a very interesting year for Gilas Pilipinas. And of course for us ardent Gilas fans. Who do you think will crack the 24-man pool?
Would love to hear your thoughts, mga ka-fans!
...follow @labapilipinas on twitter for more sports laundering!
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